18 October 2008

Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Callaway Gardens is in the central southwest part of Georgia near the Alabama border. The gardens are completely man made, having been worn out cotton fields before. I have only included a limited number of photos. Chrysanthemums were the most common fall flower on display, and while they were beautiful and in every color, I will save those photos for another day. I hope to see their spring display of azaleas etc in March. These butterflies were beautiful. The butterfly house was also a gorgeous green house filled with flowers favored by the butterflies.

Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Callaway Gardens has so many different kinds of flowers that I am only showing some of the more exotic ones. The following purple flower had heads about the size of a good cotton ball.
I can't recall where this flower is a native of, but it looked grotesque to me.
This is the flower of the caster bean plant.
Couldn't resist putting in another butterfly
This guy, among others, kept on landing on me and had to be picked off by staff before I left the greenhouse. I think they liked the salt from my sweat. Otherwise it could be they like Right Guard deodorant.

Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The butterfly house at Callaway Gardens was wonderful. They only used flowers to feed the butterflies. Here are some examples.

Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Saw some birds and bees, but mostly butterflies and flowers. The redtail hawk was part of a "birds of prey" show. Tilden the hawk wasn't following the script when he flew up into this tree. Shortly there after he decided he wanted some fresh food and drove down into the bushes and got himself a baby rabbit.This owl swooped so low over the crowd that his wing brushed Mary Lou's shoulder (the bad one), but she barely felt it.
Plenty of bumble bees pollinating the flowers.