18 October 2008

Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Callaway Gardens has so many different kinds of flowers that I am only showing some of the more exotic ones. The following purple flower had heads about the size of a good cotton ball.
I can't recall where this flower is a native of, but it looked grotesque to me.
This is the flower of the caster bean plant.
Couldn't resist putting in another butterfly
This guy, among others, kept on landing on me and had to be picked off by staff before I left the greenhouse. I think they liked the salt from my sweat. Otherwise it could be they like Right Guard deodorant.

1 comment:

Vonda said...

The "grotesque" flower is a native passionflower. It's also known as the Maypop because if you squeeze the seed pod after it ripens it will pop open and you can eat the delicious sweet nectar and seeds inside.