28 September 2010

Pike's Peak & Rocky Mountain National Park

 Pikes Peak was not what I had hoped for.  Not much opportunity to take photos on the way up on the cog train.  The views were limited by the rock and trees.  I did enjoy seeing the hummingbirds at the station while I waited for my train.

A view from the top of Pikes Peak, 14,110 feet above sea level.  A reservoir high in the mountains above Colorado Springs.

Its definitely cold up at over 14,000 feet!  There are no large bushes and no trees at that altitude.  It's just lichen and barren rocks.

Colorado Springs in the background as well as the plains leading to Kansas.

White prickly poppies in Rocky Mountain National Park

A smoky haze hangs over a valley on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountain NP from the forest fire near Boulder, Colorado
One well-fed chubby squirrel
This female elk seen on the western side of Rocky Mountain NP.
Truly pleased to see a young bull moose on the western side of Rocky Mountain NP
Here are a group of photos of the Rocky Mountains that are part of the National Park.

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