17 February 2010

Cape Cod, Spring 2008

It rained two of the three days we were at Cape Cod. It was too early in the spring season for most tourists, so we had most of the beach to our selves.
A view from our motel on the beach.
Storm clouds to the west.

The seagulls were our only companions on this rainy day in April.

Storm clouds lingered over Cape Cod for a couple of days.

Great sunrise for just us and the shore birds

One of the many rock jetties to minimize beach erosion.

Millions of small reddish sea shells.

Took the above photo from the tower in Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod

One of the many lighthouses on Cape Cod.

1 comment:

Hoffy said...

"Millions of small reddish sea shells." - That photo has a lot of the colors that we want to paint in our new house.