20 April 2010

Canyonlands National Park 2009

Canyonlands NP is a neighbor of Arches NP, but it is treated more like a distant stepchild by tourists. On our first trip to Arches in 2007 I had intended on visiting Canyonlands, but the intense heat of late summer afternoon (100's Fahrenheit) dissuaded us. In 2009 I made a point of visiting Canyonlands first in the morning. There weren't too many other folks at the park. On the other hand, Arches NP was jammed full of tourists that kept me from sending too much time there after visiting Canyonlands.

A scenic vista within Canyonlands including some of the desert flora. Note the rain falling in the distant background.

The overcast rainy weather prevented me from taking a lot of panoramic scenery photos, but this nearby rock cliff was interesting to me.

Since this is Canyonlands, I had to show you the namesake Green River Canyon that snakes through the park. It eventually joins the Colorado River later in the south end of the park.

More cliffs, mesas, and canyon bottom land.

A better photo of the canyon with a mesa highlighted with a little sunlight in the background.

Saw this mesa at the entrance to the park.

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