23 April 2010

Petrified Forest and the Painted Desert National Park

Back in April of 2006 Mary Lou and I made our second trip to the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert NP. Mary Lou really loves the petrified wood. With most kids in school at that time of the year, hardly anyone was there other than old farts like us.

My Mother told me years ago how disappointed she had been when she first visited the park and discovered that the petrified trees weren't standing in a forest.

Most of the region, heck the whole state of Arizona, has colorful buttes, mesas, hills and valleys in the desert. Why they designated this part of Arizona as the "painted desert" is debatable. What isn't debatable is that the area does have a lot of colorful scenery.

More petrified wood laying around.

More petrified wood.

More color

A closeup of petrified wood

Found this herd of pronghorn antelope near one of the lookout areas.

And finally, more petrified wood.

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